Study and Research Help
- ACT Prep
- Books & eBooks (Atrium)
- Atrium allows you to search GHS library books and ebooks.
- You can log in to your "Bookbag" to reserve and renew books.
- Log in with your Student ID# for both Username and Password.
- Citizenship Study Help
- Printable Studey Guide to help you review for the mandatory U.S. Citizenship test at GHS.
- Citizenship Quizlet Study Guide and Practice
- "Citizenship Practice Test"
- "Citizenship Test"
- Homework Hotline
- Free by phone for any Tennessee student.
- Call Monday - Thursday, 4:00pm-8:00pm
- Call 615-298-6636 or Sonic toll free 888-868-5777
- Have a computer and Internet? Then you can also Stoodle with them. Give them a call and they will show you how.
- Khan Academy
- Learn 360 (videos and more)
- Research help
- Works well with Google Classroom
- User: gallatinhs; Password: greenwave; Student passkey: 121053TNs
- TEL (Tennessee Electronic Library)