Gallatin High School


GHS Cosmetology


 Learn more about our program from this 11/7/24 NewsChannel 5 Article.


GHS Cosmetology is now accepting applications into its program for next school year.  This will include the following:

  • Written application (available in the main office)
  • Instructor interview
  • $50 fee per semester


Cosmetology I

  • 90 minute class, offered during 1st block 
  • Up to 135 practicum hours can be earned
  • requires an attendance agreement-- adherence to this agreement will greatly factor into acceptance into Cosmetology II-IV advanced classes



Professional Licensing requires the following:

  • completion of 1500 hours of official practicum hours
  • passing a theory test AND a practical exam
  • Students who complete the GHS Cosmetology program will be able to test for their license, which will allow them to enter the workforce immediately.


More information

  • Cosmetology II, III, and IV will be a 3 hour class, offered during a combined 2nd and 3rd block.
  • If all hours are not completed prior to graduation, students can transfer up to 750 hours to a post-secondary school.  This transfer will require a 75% grade or higher on a test into that specific school.


Follow GHS Cosmetology on socials:

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Contact Jennifer Grainger with any questions.