Gallatin High School

Fundraiser 1 

Fundraiser 1

Magazine Drive

with Gift Wrap, Snacks, and Home Products too!

NO turn-in dates this school year.  You can shop ALL SCHOOL YEAR!!!!

Directions for customers wanting to order online:

  1. Visit https://www.funderworks.com/
  2. Click on “Shop to Support”
  3. Enter code: GREENWAVE
  4. Click "Support the Organization/Group"
  5. Click "Start Shopping"
  6. You should now see "Help Gallatin High School," and can begin to shop all available categories.  


Other information concerning this year's fundraiser:

  1. We are only selling online this year for people to support the school.
  2. We are not doing an official fundraiser with prizes for student sellers.
  3. The school still receives 40% of each sale completed through this website.
  4. Everything can be shipped directly to an individual's house.
  5. Magazines can be renewed or new subscriptions created.

Thank you for supporting GHS!!!